Mohammad Yousuf - One Day Internationals - Progressive Batting Average and Aggregate
Batting Performances Playing for  1)  Make option changes in the
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Year  4)  Series  5)  Bat Posn  6)  
Match Innings Date M/Inns Posn Versus Ground How Dismissed Runs B/F S/R   Runs B/F Avg S/R
170   161 21/08/2004 1st 5 India VRA Ground run out 28 28 100.00   28 28 28.00 100.00
171   162 28/08/2004 2nd 5 Australia VRA Ground c †B J Haddin b G B Hogg 43 57 75.44   71 85 35.50 83.53
No. of Innings Played = 2

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